Legal News

Legal News

Alberta Real Estate Association

Posted Oct 2, 2013 by Galbraith Law
The Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) published an article written by Stan Galbraith in their September newsletter. This newsletter is distributed to all real estate professionals in Alberta.
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Legal News

Bridge Financing aka Interim Financing

Posted Sep 17, 2013 by Galbraith Law
In this, the latest addition to our video series, Alex Dimitroff addresses the question of bridge or interim financing. Alex explains that this is a loan you will arrange to make sure your real estate purchase closes smoothly when you are relying on the money from the sale of an existing home.
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Legal News

Choosing a Personal Representative - Executor

Posted Aug 28, 2013 by Galbraith Law
Who is the best choice to act as the Personal Representative or Executor of my estate? By the way, Personal Representative or PR is the new single designation we use in Alberta to replace the traditional designations of Executor, Executrix, Administrator, and Administratrix.
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Legal News

Adding Children to the Title of Your Home

Posted Aug 14, 2013 by Galbraith Law
What about adding my children to the title to my home? Won’t this simplify my estate and reduce the expenses?
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Legal News

Do I Need a Lawyer to do a Will?

Posted Jul 23, 2013 by Galbraith Law
Many people ask us: My estate is quite simple. Do I really need to pay a lawyer to help me prepare my will? I have seen wills kits available at my local book store or online and I think these will work just fine. What do you think?
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Legal News

Joint Tenancy and the Perils of Not Putting It In Writing

Posted Jul 12, 2013 by Galbraith Law
A recent case from the Alberta Court of Appeal dealt with a dispute between two brothers regarding the ownership of a rental property in Calgary. When purchased, the property was registered in both names as joint tenants. Later on, a dispute arose as to ownership.
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Legal News

Stan Joins ADRIA Board

Posted Jun 26, 2013 by Galbraith Law
On June 21, 2013, coincidentally the first day of summer, Stan Galbraith attended his first Board meeting as one of the newly elected Directors of the Appropriate Dispute Resolution Institute of Alberta (ADRIA).
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Legal News

Selling Estate Real Estate

Posted Jun 6, 2013 by Galbraith Law
Death and real estate can be a complex issue. To put it simply, when someone dies, the ability to transfer any land is lost until a Court Order, known as a Grant, is obtained.
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Legal News

The Hospital Ethics Committee

Posted May 16, 2013 by Galbraith Law
First and foremost I was struck by the caring, dedication and compassion of the staff and volunteers at the Sturgeon. I have been a member of the Ethics Committee at this hospital since 2007 so I am intimately familiar with the commitment and expertise of my fellow committee members. Over the years, we have tackled some sensitive and important issues.
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Legal News

Corporate Law - Share Capital Design

Posted May 2, 2013 by Galbraith Law
One of the fundamental building blocks of every corporation is the share capital. This is the means by which investors own the business. In old English law, it started out very simply. People who invested in and owned the business did so through holding shares in the business.
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Legal News

Sit In A Different Chair - Part 3

Posted Apr 25, 2013 by Galbraith Law
Previously, we discussed how we all have habits and preferences, most of which we are not aware of. These habits and preferences unconsciously dictate our behavior throughout the day. In fact, the vast majority of the time this makes life easier.
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Legal News

Estate Gifts to Charity

Posted Apr 20, 2013 by Galbraith Law
One of the greatest legacies you can leave is through charitable giving in your will. The vast majority of Canadians give to charity every year during their lifetime. In Alberta, the percentage of people making gifts to charity every year is the highest in Canada.
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